Stock Info

Stock price information of Daewoong Pharmaceutical

Stock Price Info

069620 Daewoong Pharmaceutical Ordinary Stocks

Real-time market price 2024/12/31 02:46:02
Present value
Net change
up 4,100(3.35%)
Trading Value
Transaction amount
Stock Info
Market price 123,000
High 128,900
Low 122,000
PER 11.86
No. of listed stocks 11,586,575
Stock Info
Ceiling 158,900
Floor 85,700
Face value 2500
52 weeks
(based on closing price)
High 164,400
Low 100,100
Asking Price
Sales Remainder Asking Price Purchase Remainder
29 126,400
7 126,300
85 126,200
57 126,100
94 126,000
127,200 69
127,100 2
127,000 99
126,900 16
126,700 186
272 Remainder Sum 372
Trade Price by Time
Time Trade Price Compared to Yesterday Asking Sales Price Asking Purchase Price Purchase Remainder
15:30:00 126,400 up 4,100 126,700 126,400 913
15:20:00 126,900 up 4,600 126,700 126,400 37
15:19:40 126,900 up 4,600 127,000 126,900 54
15:19:30 126,900 up 4,600 127,000 126,900 2
15:19:10 126,900 up 4,600 127,000 126,900 16
15:19:00 126,800 up 4,500 127,000 126,800 168
15:18:50 127,000 up 4,700 127,100 127,000 1
15:18:10 127,000 up 4,700 127,100 127,000 4
15:18:00 127,100 up 4,800 127,100 127,000 18
15:17:20 127,100 up 4,800 127,100 127,000 34
Transaction by Member Company
Top Seller Top Buyer
Securities Company Trade Volume Securities Company Trade Volume
Kiwoomcom Securitie 2,756 Merrill Lynch 3,999
Korea Investment S 2,633 Kiwoomcom Securitie 3,612
Shinhan Investment C 2,089 Shinhan Investment C 2,823
NHIS 1,785 Korea Investment S 1,887
JPMorgan Securitie 1,680 JPMorgan Securitie 1,271
Market Price per Day
Date Closing Price Compared to Yesterday Market Price High Low Trade Volume Transaction Amount
24/12/30 126,400 up 4,100 123,000 128,900 122,000 19,021 2,409,258,600
24/12/27 122,300 drop 1,200 122,600 125,200 121,600 14,915 1,839,670,600
24/12/26 123,500 drop 1,500 125,000 125,500 122,600 16,613 2,054,333,200
24/12/24 125,000 drop 900 125,100 125,600 123,500 15,556 1,934,610,600
24/12/23 125,900 up 1,100 126,000 127,500 124,200 13,521 1,698,363,900
24/12/20 124,800 drop 700 125,000 127,500 122,700 20,037 2,515,065,100
24/12/19 125,500 drop 3,400 125,500 128,700 125,000 24,348 3,063,087,400
24/12/18 128,900 drop 2,500 132,900 133,000 126,200 23,105 2,981,643,200
24/12/17 131,400 up 4,500 126,800 132,900 126,200 42,239 5,525,096,800
24/12/16 126,900 up 1,600 128,600 130,800 125,900 38,917 4,983,684,500